What are the 4 Types of Distractions When Driving?

Driving requires complete focus and attention to ensure the safety of everyone on the road. However, different types of driving distractions can easily divert a driver’s attention, leading to dangerous situations and potentially severe accidents to other motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians. In Colorado, distracted driving has become a major concern, prompting state authorities to implement stricter laws and awareness campaigns to mitigate this risk.

If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident, choose an experienced Colorado car accident lawyer to hold the negligent driver accountable and recover the largest possible compensation for your injuries and losses.

Four Serious Driving Distractions that Cause Accidents in Colorado

Here are the four types of distractions that commonly lead to devastating accidents and injuries:

Visual Distractions

Visual distractions occur when a driver takes their eyes off the road. These distractions can be particularly hazardous because they prevent the driver from noticing changes in traffic conditions, signals, or potential hazards. This is one of the most common types of distractions when driving and include:

  • Mobile Phones: Texting, checking emails, using apps, and other similar activity while driving.

  • In-Vehicle Technology: Navigating GPS systems, adjusting the radio, or using infotainment systems.

  • External Events: Looking at billboards, accidents, or scenic views outside the vehicle.

Even a momentary glance away from the road can result in missing critical information needed to make safe driving decisions.

Manual Distractions

Manual distractions occur when a driver removes one or both hands from the steering wheel. This type of distraction can lead to a loss of control over the vehicle, increasing the risk of an accident. Common manual distractions include:

  • Eating or Drinking: Handling food or beverages while driving.

  • Grooming: Activities like applying makeup, combing hair, or shaving.

  • Adjusting Controls: Tuning the radio, setting the climate control, or adjusting mirrors.

Cognitive Distractions

Cognitive distractions happen when a driver’s mind is not focused on driving. These distractions are often the most insidious because they are not always visible but can significantly impair driving performance. Common causes of distracted driving in the form of cognitive distractions include:

  • Daydreaming: Letting the mind wander away from driving tasks.

  • Conversing: Talking to passengers or using hands-free devices for phone calls.

  • Emotional Stress: Driving while upset, angry, or anxious.

A distracted mind can delay reaction times in people and lead to poor decision-making behind the wheel.

Auditory Distractions

Auditory distractions occur when sounds divert a driver’s attention from the road. These distractions can come from inside or outside the vehicle and can be especially problematic when they startle the driver or require them to process additional information. Common auditory distractions include:

  • Loud Music: High volume levels that make it difficult to hear important sounds like sirens or horns.

  • Phone Calls: Engaging in phone conversations, even with hands-free devices.

  • Passengers: Noisy or disruptive behavior from other occupants in the vehicle.

Distracted Driving Crashes in Colorado

In 2020, Colorado recorded 10,166 motor vehicle crashes involving distracted drivers. This figure underscores the widespread nature of the problem and its contribution to traffic incidents. The accidents led to 1,476 injuries and 68 deaths as per the Colorado Department of Transportation. This is one of the key reasons why the state has passed a new bill, SB24-065, making it illegal to use a cell phone while driving. The bill that comes into effect on 1st January, 2025 is being hailed as a “big step forward” in improving road safety in the Centennial State.

Tips for Avoiding Distracted Drivers on Denver Roads

  • Stay Alert and Focused

  • Maintain a Safe Distance

  • Use Defensive Driving Techniques

  • Use Your Horn Sparingly

  • Be Cautious at Intersections

  • Adjust Your Speed

  • Signal Your Intentions Clearly

Compensation for the Injured Victims of Distracted Driving

Distracted driving behaviors constitute a form of negligence. If a driver’s distraction leads to an accident, they can be held legally responsible for any resulting injuries. You may be entitled to compensation for various damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. In cases where the distracted driver’s behavior is deemed particularly reckless or egregious, victims may be awarded punitive damages. 

You can file a claim with your insurance company or the at-fault driver’s insurance to obtain compensation. An experienced Colorado auto accident attorney can gather evidence, negotiate with insurance companies, and represent your interests in court if necessary. You only have three years from the date of the motor vehicle accident to file a claim in Colorado. To protect your right to recover compensation, you should seek legal representation from a car crash lawyer in Colorado as soon as possible.

How Insurance Companies May Deny Distracted Driving Claims

Colorado follows a modified comparative negligence rule, meaning that if the victim is partially at fault for the accident, their compensation may be reduced by their percentage of fault. However, if the injured victim is found to be 50% or more at fault for their injury, they are barred from any financial recovery. 

Insurance companies use various tactics to undervalue distracted driver claims and minimize payouts or escape liability altogether. These tactics may include:

Challenging Evidence of Distraction

  • Disputing Phone Records

  • Questioning Witness Credibility

  • Downplaying Surveillance Footage

Attributing Fault to Other Factors

  • Blaming the Victim

  • Citing External Conditions

Minimizing the Severity of Distraction

Questioning Medical Evidence

  • Disputing Injury Claims

  • Requesting Independent Medical Exams

Exploiting Legal and Technical Loopholes

  • Statute of Limitations

  • Policy Exclusions and Limitations

Experienced car accident law firms have substantial resources to effectively gather and present compelling evidence, such as phone records, witness statements, and accident reconstruction reports, to prove the driver was distracted. They can negotiate aggressively with insurance adjusters to ensure fair compensation. 

Your lawyer will also counteract lowball settlement offers and undue pressure to settle quickly. Dedicated motor vehicle accident lawyers in Colorado are skilled at tackling legal complexities, ensuring that all procedures are correctly followed and deadlines met.

Choose a Colorado Car Accident Lawyer with a Record of Large Settlements and Verdicts

Car accident attorney Wade Zobel is known for making justice accessible to every personal injury victim. At Zobel Legal Group, our mission is to help you find credible solutions to your challenging situation. If you were injured because of a distracted driver, don’t settle for less. Our battle-hardened legal team will recover the largest possible compensation you deserve. To schedule your free case evaluation, call us at 720-434-6674 or complete this online contact form.

Zobel Legal Group