What Is the Difference Between Premises Liability and Slip and Fall?

Slip and fall and premises liability accidents are often considered identical, but they refer to different aspects of personal injury law. If you or a loved one has been injured due to a property owner's negligence, it is important to understand what is the difference between premises liability and slip and fall claims. An experienced Colorado personal injury attorney can find the evidence to prove liability of the negligent property owner, manager or occupier, and present a compelling case for maximum compensation. 

Premises Liability Is the Broader Legal Concept

In Colorado, premises liability is a legal concept that holds property owners and occupiers responsible for injuries that occur on their property due to unsafe conditions. It encompasses a wide range of accidents and injuries, not limited to slip and fall incidents. The central idea is that property owners have a duty to maintain their premises in a reasonably safe condition for visitors.

Different types of premises liability accidents may include:

  • Slip Trip and Fall Accidents

  • Negligent Security

  • Swimming Pool Accidents

  • Toxic Exposure

  • Ceiling Collapse

  • Falling Objects from a Construction Site

  • Hit by an Object due to Poor Lighting

  • Fire and Gas Explosions

Slip and Fall is a Specific Type of Premises Liability

Slip and fall injury cases are a subset of premises liability claims. They specifically involve injuries resulting from slips, trips, or falls due to hazardous conditions on a property. While all slip and fall cases fall under premises liability, not all premises liability cases are slip and fall incidents.

Common causes of slip and fall accidents include:

  • Wet or Slippery Floors: Spills, rain, or cleaning solutions can create slippery surfaces.

  • Uneven Surfaces: Broken pavement, loose tiles, or uneven flooring by construction companies can cause trips and falls.

  • Inadequate Lighting: Poor lighting can make it difficult to see hazards, increasing the risk of falls.

  • Obstructions: Items left in walkways, such as cables, debris, or merchandise, can cause trips.

If you have been injured on a residential property or a grocery store, do not delay obtaining injury on premises legal help. Premises liability lawyers can hold the at-fault party responsible for the injuries caused by their negligence.

Legal Elements to Prove Premises Liability Claims

Duty of Care

Property owners must ensure their premises are safe for lawful visitors. This includes regular maintenance, repairs, and addressing potential hazards.

Breach of Duty

If the property owner fails to maintain a safe environment and someone gets injured, this breach can lead to liability.


The injured parties must prove that the unsafe condition directly caused their injury and other damages.


The victim and their family must demonstrate that they suffered actual damages, such as medical expenses, lost wages, or pain and suffering.

Key Elements of Establishing Slip and Fall Claims

The premises liability law makes it necessary to prove the following elements:

  • Hazardous Conditions: The presence of a dangerous condition, such as spills, icy walkways, or loose carpeting on the premises, that the property owner knew or should have known about.

  • Notice: The property owner must have had actual or constructive notice of the hazardous condition. This means they either knew about it or should have discovered it through reasonable inspections.

  • Failure to Remedy: The property owner failed to take appropriate actions to fix the hazard or warn visitors about it.

  • Injury and Damages: Victims must prove that the slip and fall caused their injuries and resulted in damages.

Liability of the Property Owner vs. Visitor Responsibilities

Responsibility of the Property Owner

Property owners have a legal obligation to maintain a reasonably safe environment for visitors, which includes regular inspections, prompt repairs of hazards, and adequate warnings of potential dangers. It is necessary for them to address known issues, such as fixing broken stairs, repairing uneven sidewalks, or cleaning up spills promptly on their properties. Property owners should ensure adequate security measures, like proper lighting in parking lots or security personnel, to protect visitors from foreseeable harm.

Visitor Responsibility

Visitors must be aware of their surroundings and avoid obvious hazards. They should refrain from reckless behavior that increases the risk of injury. They should exercise reasonable care for their safety, such as watching for signs indicating wet floors or being cautious in poorly lit areas. Those who are on the property without permission (trespassers) generally have less protection under the law, although property owners still cannot willfully harm them.

Steps to Take After a Premises Liability or Slip and Fall Accident

  • Check yourself and others for injuries and call for medical assistance if needed.

  • Report the accident to the property owner or manager immediately.

  • Document the scene by taking photos and videos of the hazardous condition.

  • Collect contact information and statements from any witnesses.

  • Obtain medical attention promptly, even if injuries seem minor.

  • Keep all medical records and receipts related to your treatment.

  • File an incident report if the property owner or manager provides one.

  • Avoid making detailed statements about the accident to insurance adjusters.

  • Contact an experienced premises liability attorney for legal guidance.

How Will an Attorney Prove That You Did Not Cause the Accident?

In Colorado, modified comparative negligence rules apply. Your attorney will aim to show that the property owner negligence was the primary cause of the accident to minimize any contributory negligence on your part.

Presenting a Strong Defense

  • Consistent Statements: Your premises liability attorney will make sure all your statements are consistent and supported by evidence.

  • Disproving Allegations: We will actively disprove any claims by the property owner that you are liable for the injuries.

Utilizing Technology

  • Accident Reconstruction: We will use software to create reconstructions of the accident.

  • Building Code Analysis: Attorneys will analyze building codes and compare them to the condition of the property to show non-compliance.

Reviewing Maintenance Records

  • Inspection Logs: Review the property’s inspection and maintenance logs to determine if the property owner conducted regular inspections and maintenance.

  • Repair Records: Check for any repair records that indicate whether known hazards were addressed promptly or neglected by people in charge.

Get Resolute Advocacy for Your Slip and Fall Injury or Premises Liability Claim in Colorado

Attorney Wade Zobel and his legal team understands the challenges you are facing after a serious injury due to another’s fault. Medical bills could be piling up, you may be unable to work, and the pain and suffering may seem endless. Our lawyers will stop at nothing to ensure that your rights are protected and your voice is heard. We will fight tooth and nail to recover the compensation you are entitled to. To schedule your free case evaluation, call 720-434-6674 or contact us online.

Zobel Legal Group