Colorado offers a vast network of bike lanes that cater to both recreational and commuter cyclists. While this encourages over 40% of the residents to ride a bike at least once a year, it also correlates with a rise in bike-car collisions. If you have been injured while riding your bike, our seasoned bicycle accident lawyer in Colorado at Zobel Legal Group can provide you with the strongest legal representation you need. With a remarkable record of settlements and verdicts, Denver bicycle accident lawyer Wade Zobel can recover maximum compensation for your injuries and losses. 

Bicycle Accident

Legal Rights of Cyclists in Colorado

When you are on your bicycle, Colorado gives you certain privileges to ensure your safety:

  • You have the same rights and duties as motor vehicle drivers and are legally allowed to use most roadways.

  • You are allowed to ride two abreast (side by side) in a single lane, as long as you do not impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic.

  • You have the right to take the full lane when necessary for safety, such as avoiding debris, passing another vehicle, or when the lane is too narrow for a bicycle and a vehicle to travel side by side.

  • When you are already in an intersection or traffic circle, you have the right of way over entering vehicles.

  • It is illegal for motorists to throw objects at, or in any way harass, cyclists. This includes aggressive driving behaviors like honking unnecessarily or intentionally cutting them off.

  • Cyclists must be overtaken by motor vehicles at a safe distance of at least three feet.

  • Cyclists have the right to equip their bicycles with lights for visibility at night. Colorado law requires a white front light visible from at least 500 feet and a red rear reflector or light visible from 600 feet.

If any of these rights are violated and you get injured, you can file a personal injury claim against the driver or another responsible party to seek compensation for your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Our Colorado bicycle accident law firm is ready to represent you and fight for the highest possible damages from the liable parties on your behalf.

What Causes Bicycle Accidents in Colorado?

  • Dooring (driver opens car door in cyclist's path)

  • Right hook (car turns right, cutting off cyclist)

  • Left cross (car turns left into cyclist's path)

  • Rear-end collisions (car hits cyclist from behind)

  • Sideswipe (car moves too close and hits cyclist)

  • Failure to yield right of way

  • Distracted driving

  • Speeding

  • Poor road conditions

  • Driver under the influence of alcohol or drugs

What To Do After a Bicycle Accident in Colorado?

  • Call 911 Immediately to report the crash to the police and request medical assistance.

  • File a police report with the responding officers and obtain a copy for your records. 

  • Take photos of the crash scene, your serious injuries, your bicycle, and the other vehicle involved. 

  • Get names and contact details of any witnesses.

  • Get the driver’s name, contact information, insurance company details, and vehicle registration number.

  • Contact our bike accident lawyer in Colorado as soon as you are safe and able, ideally within 24 hours of the crash. Early legal advice will help preserve critical evidence and protect your rights.

  • You have to notify both your health insurance and bicycle insurance (if you have it) – but preferably do this in consultation with our bicycle injury lawyer in Colorado. We will advise you on how to make a statement without admitting fault or jeopardizing your bicycle accident claims.

Our Colorado Bicycle Accident Attorney Can Prove The Liability of the Negligent Motorist

At Zobel Legal Group, our lawyers will work with bike crash reconstructionists, data analysts, telematics experts, automotive engineers, crashworthiness experts, and bicycle infrastructure specialists to provide a visual account of the crash. From visiting the accident scene to recover physical evidence (including surveillance footage from nearby locations) to using sophisticated software to create accident simulations – we leave no stone unturned in proving the liability of the at-fault driver and obtaining maximum compensation for your damages.

If you use GPS devices/apps, helmet cameras, and smartwatches, we will obtain and analyze the following recorded data to show your movements leading up to the collision:

  • Your time-stamped location and position at the time

  • Your speed before, during, and after the crash

  • Any sudden changes in speed

  • The actions of the other party

  • Weather conditions, lighting, and visibility at the time (if they were following traffic rules, distracted, or engaged in reckless behavior)

  • Visual proof of the presence and status of traffic signals

  • The intensity of the impact

Our bicycle accident lawyers will also send a preservation letter to the defendant instructing them to preserve their cell phone records and data from their vehicle’s “black box” (if available) to provide evidence of their phone usage at the time and information regarding the speed, braking, and other actions performed by the driver.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can be held liable for bicycle accident cases?

Liability can fall on many parties, depending on the circumstances:

  • Motor vehicle drivers (cars, trucks, motorcycles, buses, vans)

  • Municipalities or government bodies

  • Bicycle manufacturers

  • Pedestrians

  • Other bicyclists

  • Property owners

What if the driver who hit me does not have insurance?

If the at-fault driver is uninsured or underinsured, you may still recover compensation through your insurance policy if you have uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. Our Denver bicycle accident attorney is here to help you explore all possible avenues.

Can I still file a bicycle accident claim if I was not wearing a helmet?

Yes. Colorado does not have a state-wide law mandating helmet use for bicyclists. However, not wearing it may impact the compensation you receive, especially if your injuries could have been mitigated by helmet use.

What if the accident was partly my fault?

Under Colorado’s modified comparative negligence law, you may still recover compensation if you are less than 50% at fault. Your compensation will be reduced by your percentage of fault. For example, if you are 20% at fault, you would receive 80% of the awarded compensation.

Schedule a Free Consultation with Colorado Bicycle Accident Attorneys

As an avid bicyclist himself, our top-rated Colorado bicycle accident lawyer as well as lawyer for other personal injury cases, Wade Zobel of Zobel Legal Group, will fight to recover the largest possible financial compensation for your injuries and losses. To ensure the true cause and fault are identified, we will:

  • Work with the police to understand their findings and compare them with our investigation

  • Examine the damage to both the bicycle and the involved vehicle(s)

  • Check if any mechanical failures contributed to the accident

  • Investigate the other driver for any history of traffic violations, DUIs, or previous accidents

  • Conduct a forensic analysis of skid marks, debris distribution, and impact points

  • Check if the area where you crashed meets local and federal standards for bicycle safety

While we will aggressively negotiate with the insurance company for the highest possible settlement you are entitled to, we are also prepared from day one to go to trial if a fair settlement cannot be reached. Defendants and insurance companies recognize our trial capabilities and commitment to our clients and are more likely to offer you the rightful compensation. Fill out this online contact form or call us at 720-434-6674 to set up a free case evaluation at our office or over a Zoom call.