The information contained on this website is not legal advice. This website provides general and educational information to the public.  The legal information is general in nature.  No user should assume this information applies to their specific situation without speaking to qualified counsel regarding such matters and the applicable law. 

Visiting this website or using the information contained within does not create an attorney-client relationship.  This website and the information contained within alone are not an invitation for an attorney-client relationship.  Contacting any employee of the firm via this website or over email does not create an attorney-client relationship.  We discourage the use of this website or email to convey sensitive or confidential information.  An attorney-client relationship with Zobel Legal Group, LLC is only created through express written agreement.  

Our firm does not guarantee case results.  Any representations of past performance on this website are simply meant to be representative of cases handled by our firm in the past.  The relative success of a case depends on many factors that are unique to each case and the circumstance surrounding it.  In Compliance with Colorado Rules of Professional Conduct, Zobel Legal Group, LLC, PO Box 140711 Lakewood, CO 80214, is responsible for the content of this website.